Original-Kunstwerke sind alle Werke, die als authentisch gelten und keine Kopie oder Nachahmung der Originalwerke eines Künstlers. Originale-Kunstwerke können jede Art von Malerei, Skulptur, ...
Olieverf op doek gesigneerd BURNETT in de rechterhoek. Het doek moet geschilderd zijn in de jaren 50. Het is in zeer goede staat, omlijst door een zwarte en vergulde houten lijst (uit de jaren 50/60); ...
奥斯卡·穆里略 (Oscar Murillo) 是一位哥伦比亚当代艺术家,他以绘画、装置和表演等多种媒介探索移民、全球化和文化身份而闻名。他的作品曾在纽约现代艺术博物馆和伦敦泰特美术馆等著名博物 ...
圣莫里茨的豪瑟沃斯展览探索了让·米歇尔·巴斯奎特的城市艺术与他从恩加丁阿尔卑斯山风景中汲取的灵感之间的独特联系。通过突出标志性作品以及与沃霍尔和克莱门特的合作,它庆祝了充满 ...
David Jean was born in Toronto, Canada, to immigrant parents. Being largely self-taught, he demonstrates his technical powers and versatility in a wide variety of artistic categories. A study of his ...
Romuald Wisniewski es un escultor polaco contemporáneo galardonado. Trabaja creativamente en escultura de bronce, piedra, cerámica y madera. Se especializa en la producción de esculturas de bronce ...
Art is Life! Located in the heart of the town of Thiviers, in the Périgord Vert, this gallery offers works by international contemporary artists, most of them listed, highlighting a small French town ...
FRANCESCO TAMMARO was born in Naples in 1939 where he attended the Naples Art Institute, one of the most renowned schools of Fine Arts in Italy. Shortly after graduation he went to France where he ...
Contemporary portrait "In the Kitchen with Cat" - Pittura, 39,4x29,5 in ©2024 da Nataliya Bagatskaya - Figurative, figurative-594, Ritratti di donne, Beautiful woman, Art for home, Art of the day, ...
Nuwan Darshana is a Sri Lankan artist born in 1987 and is a painter by profession. He always had the ambition and desire to be a world famous artist and he has been working towards developing his ...