“Our situation is different from Moses’, of course, but I think it’s important we daily ask God to help us see a glimpse of who He is and what He’s doing.” - Chuck Lawless ...
IVF separates the unitive and procreative goods of sex, a separation that is not morally neutral. IVF can treat humans as a product, the sort of being it is right to produce or manipulate. At times, ...
“Leading proponents of Confessional Bibliology have taken another step that the IFB KJV defenders have not… insistence that the Hebrew Masoretic Text has been kept pure in all ages like the New ...
“Church growth strategies have been tough on small church pastors…. But a small church pastor is uniquely positioned to drive a revival of discipleship in ways that larger churches and celebrity ...
So we have a long history of combining evangelism, social action (e.g. going to clinics), and political action. It can be discouraging where we don't win every time, but when we don't win, we need to ...