Our payments are securely processed via Stripe, a widely recognized service through which we accept payments. We do not take or store any payment details on our servers. Here you can learn more about ...
In development since 2020, the exhibition Science/Fiction — A Non-History of Plants retraces the visual history of plants through art, technology, and science from the nineteenth century to the ...
Fotogalleriet is pleased to present the extensive group exhibition La Passione, a project by Marianne Heier and curated by Antonio Cataldo, Miki Gebrelul and Lara Okafor. La Passione is a ...
This body of work came from a curiosity I had about women who cold dip in bodies of water to work through depression. I photographed women submerging into cold water and became focused on the line ...
We are not only the perpetrators of the sixth mass extinction, we document the decay, archiving in drawers the legacy we have destroyed for bacteria and fungi that will outlive us. The loss of ...
I’m exploring grief, aloneness, and strangeness through portraiture and landscape. It is both a documentary of myself, and a collective story of womanhood. I work mainly with medium format and 4x5 ...
The ruins of the first home my parents had before my birth. In 1999 this town was washed away by a landslide, it rained for 15 days nonstop, the river outgrew and took everything on its way, ...
The ancient rite of transhumance in Molise is being revived thanks to Valerio Berardo, born in Rome to parents originally from Duronia (CB), who has chosen to return to his parents' homeland and ...
A documentary approach of the iconic landscape shaped by Vesuvius. It researches the different temporalities, scientific and popular approaches, historic and present-day photographic representations, ...
A pink sunset’s sky and there is dust everywhere, a village of clay. The houses have a pyramidal form due to the decreasing thickness of walls. Erosion creates a pattern, repetitions of small symbols.
Tat Tvam Asi is a balinese word that made me understand where the magic of the island comes from. People have this rule, which is more like a philosophy: you are what you do, give what you'd like to ...
Gibraltar is a British Overseas Territory located in an isthmus at the very south of the Iberian Peninsula. It has an area of approximately seven square kilometers and shares its northern border with ...