A November election is a no-brainer, Simon. Just go for it.
Taoiseach Simon Harris has a decision to make: when to call a General Election. The choice appears to be between November or ...
There is plenty of intrigue ahead of this evening’s Fine Gael selection convention which will decide its General Election ...
Proposed legislation on abolition of juries to cut excessive awards, legal costs and appeals is criticised by some Dáil ...
The Office of Public Works has been asked to appear before the Oireachtas Public Accounts Committee (PAC) next month to ...
It is more likely that today’s findings will prompt renewed discussion about a pre-Christmas election, and significantly ...
The country has got a windfall of €14.1 billion as a result of an EU court ruling that Apple was given undue tax benefits.
The Irish government has been told by opposition parties that it should not decide how to spend the Apple tax billions after ...
Taxpayers are being asked to foot an estimated €25,000 bill so Sinn Féin can deliver a printed copy of its housing plan to ...
This morning's glitch comes as frustration is reaching boiling point on Leeside with the bus service that has been variously ...
Indeed, Sinn Féin candidates in the local elections in June were ... where voters were asked to agree or disagree with the ...
The bike shed, Gaza and the Apple tax are sure to remain high on the political agenda this year. Oh, and what will come of ...