Three adorable mountain lion kittens are recovering after being rescued from their hiding place under a vehicle, California zoo officials reported. The cubs, believed to be about 3 months old, appear ...
Larry Green denied participating in the Zebra murders, but offered some insight as to why they may have happened.
Three young mountain lion cubs that were found orphaned in San Mateo County are being treated at the Oakland Zoo after being rescued by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW).
The Los Angeles Fire Department has less than one firefighter for every 1,000 residents, with a staffing rate of 0.90, a Bay ...
Another discounted Oakland office sale is afoot — and the price is a dramatic drop from what Tidewater bought it for in 2018.
The Trump Administration's pause on funding could have widespread ramifications, with funding for federal student loans, law enforcement, health care, and more at risk.
Protesters are voicing their opposition to incoming President-election Donald Trump, but in smaller numbers than his first ...
The Martin Group purchased Quarterra Multifamily's 1889 Harrison St., a multifamily property in Oakland, Calif., for $61 ...
Leaders in sanctuary cities like Oakland and San Francisco outlined efforts to protect immigrant communities, even as they ...
Daniel Lurie on Jim Cramer, Alameda County supervisors agree to final talks over sale of Oakland Coliseum, S.F.'s dreary ...
At least two more weeks of bone-chilling temperatures are headed for the Bay Area.