“65” follows the story of Mills (Driver), a pilot from a distant planet, who crash-lands on what appears to be an uncharted alien world. However, he soon discovers that he's actually stranded on ...
Though exact plot details remain a mystery, the teaser trailer for Happy Gilmore 2 offers intriguing glimpses of what’s to ...
Edwards, commonly known by his nickname "Ant" in the NBA, spoke to People about acting after Hustle and whether he'd be open ...
Kanas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes joked recently that he planned to gift team-mate Travis Kelce "acting lessons" for Christmas.
Netflix recently released the first official teaser trailer for Adam Sandler's Happy Gilmore 2, which features a star-studded cast.
Happy Gilmore 2 OTT release window is here. The second part will be released on Netflix in a few days. It is anticipated that ...
The official Netflix YouTube channel just dropped a teaser trailer for what appears to be a sequel film to the sports comedy film starring the beloved Hollywood actor and comedian, Adam Sander. The ...
The wackiest golf movie ever is coming back to our screens.