Poslanec Žan Mahnič (SDS) je na seji odbora za zadeve Evropske unije glede na pisanje medija Politico, da naj bi bila Marta Kos med petimi kandidati, ki naj bi bila v nevarnosti za zavrnitev pred ...
Vladna kandidatka za članico Evropske komisije Marta Kos se bo ob 18. uri začela predstavljati pred odborom DZ-ja za zadeve Evropske unije. Odbor bo podal nezavezujoče mnenje. Vlada bo lahko nato ...
But Marta Kos has also made statements striking a conciliatory tone toward Moscow. “We must be critical toward Russia, but we must not close our doors toward Russia,” the former diplomat-turned-PR ...
Quote: "She [Marta Kos] will be the Commissioner for Enlargement, also responsible for the Eastern Neighbourhood, and she will work on supporting Ukraine and continuing the work on the ...
After a week of wrangling between Brussels and Ljubljana, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen designated Slovenia’s Marta Kos for the bloc’s coveted enlargement portfolio.
Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, has announced that she will give the portfolio of European Commissioner for Enlargement and Recovery of Ukraine to the Slovenian diplomat ...
Saga z izbiro slovenskega kandidata oziroma kandidatke za položaj v Evropski komisiji je doživela nov preobrat.
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has formally severed the EU’s policy towards neighbours in North Africa and the Middle East from its approach to aspiring members on its ...
Von der Leyen also addressed the pending nomination of Slovenia's former diplomat, Marta Kos, as the next commissioner. Although the procedure is not yet finalized, Kos is proposed to oversee EU ...
Controversial names mar handing out of portfolios The Slovenian government accepted her request to change the initial male candidate to diplomat Marta Kos, but the parliament in Ljubljana has ...
Slovenska kandidatka za evropsko komisarko Marta Kos bo v novi sestavi Evropske komisije pristojna za širitev, je sporočila predsednica komisije Ursula von der Leyen. Kos bo skrbela tudi za ...