The SEC collected five of the top six seeds as the selection committee offered a preview of what to expect next month.
When a police officer gave state Sen. Mark Finchem a speeding ticket, the Arizona Republican didn't need to worry about the ...
-Let it fly. Teams shoot over 38% from deep against DePaul in league games. Xavier shoots over 38% from deep in league games.
Current local time in Eastern Standard Time (Eastern Standard Time time zone). Get information about the Eastern Standard Time time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving ...
Because the country is so big, different states have different time zones. As such the USA has six time zones: Alaska time, Central time, Eastern time, Hawaii-Aleutian time, Mountain time, and Pacific ...
Nebraska, I’ll bet, is the only state in the union where the retirement of the volleyball coach is front-page news.