Give me liberty or give me death!” Uttered in 1775 by legendary Virginian Patrick Henry during the Second Virginia Convention ...
Greek Fest + will include church tours and a chance to see the iconography by late Madison artist David Giffey.
According to Saint John the Evangelist, this miracle took place on the Sabbath. The icon of the Sunday of the Paralytic depicts the biblical story of the Christ healing the paralytic. Our Lord, ...
In the chapel of St John the Evangelist in Westminster Abbey (near General Wolfe's memorial) is a white marble tablet to John Theophilus Beresford. The sculptor was Henry Westmacott. The inscription ...
On Sunday afternoon, the Polish-American Smolensk Disaster Commemoration Committee will unveil a monument at the shrine’s ...
The famous Arctic explorer Sir John Franklin has a memorial in St John the Evangelist's chapel in Westminster Abbey. He was born on 16th April 1786, the ninth child of Willingham Franklin. His brother ...
An apostle is a messenger who was chosen by Jesus to spread his teachings and represent him after his death and resurrection. A disciple is a follower of Jesus, changed ...
John 19:25; 20:11-18. Acts 1:14 ... he placed the Lord's body in his own tomb which was hewn out of rock, as the Evangelist says (Matthew 27:60). Icon of the Sunday of the Holy Myrrhbearers The icon ...
Father Ogar said that Trump and Duda are “both invited guests of the committee” and emphasized that this is neither a rally ...
He was also a leading Bach evangelist, at one time singing 60 St Matthew and St John Passions a year. “It’s one of the few pieces of music that you can sing for years and years and never get tired of ...
Marley comforts victims of human trafficking and exploitation in a safe house in the capital. | ITV News London ...
Marley claims title having provided comfort at a safe house for women who have been enslaved, exploited and trafficked ...