Kyrie Irving scored 39 points but was short on a 3-pointer to put the Mavs ahead in the final minute after a 28-point ...
民眾黨主席柯文哲身陷京華城容積率弊案、政治獻金案,今(26日)遭台北地檢署依違反貪污治罪條例等罪起訴,2案一共11人遭到起訴。而被爆逃往日本遭到通緝的柯文哲的貼身帳房「橘子」許芷瑜,台北地檢署今(26日)指出,柯文哲在收賄後交由橘子保管,更在柯文哲的 ...
Japan Airlines said it was hit by a cyberattack Thursday, causing delays to more than 20 domestic flights but the carrier ...
A survivor of the worst gang attack on Haitian journalists in recent memory described Wednesday seeing colleagues cut down by ...
A Syrian family that survived a 2013 chemical weapons attack that killed hundreds of people near the country’s capital, ...
Asian shares were mostly higher Thursday in thin post-Christmas holiday trading, while oil prices rose. Japan's Nikkei 225 ...
民眾黨主席柯文哲擔任台北市長期間涉嫌收受威京集團主席沈慶京千萬賄賂;另於競選2024總統大選期間,涉嫌透過木可公關公司侵占政治獻金;台北地檢署今(26日)依貪汙治罪條例違背職務收賄、圖利等罪起訴,共求刑28年6月。民眾黨立法院黨團總召黃國昌表示,北檢 ...
體育中心/黃崇超報導台灣隊在第3屆世界棒球12強賽完封日本,奪下自1922年奧運銀牌後棒球三大賽(奧運、經典賽、12強賽)睽違許久的世界冠軍,而台灣隊長陳傑憲表現讓外界驚艷,賽後受訪發言:「我相信從現在開始,台灣運動員將能夠更有信心,在國際比賽中與世 ...
A 58-year-old cab driver who was behind the wheel of a Taxi that hit multiple pedestrians on Christmas Day suffered a medical ...
Seven people were injured, including a child, when a taxi crashed into pedestrians on a sidewalk near Herald Square in New ...