We are far better off today than ever before, thanks to the spread of education, enhanced technology, free markets, and expanding trade. Global GDP per capita is over $13,000—a tenfold increase since ...
The International Labour Organization’s 2023 report on Generative AI and Jobs concluded that “most jobs and industries are only partially exposed to automation and are thus more likely to be ...
One way to counter the ‘Because you’re worth it’ individualism, that characterizes our times, is to celebrate the enduring power of collectivism—the power behind so much valuable human innovation and ...
We are world-renowned as a leading provider of executive education programs for both organisations and individuals Hult Ashridge is different as it has its own organization change consulting practice ...
Roddy Millar is a co-founder and Editorial Director at IEDP Developing Leaders. He is also founder and CEO of IdeasforLeaders.com, a micro-learning website for managers and executives to support their ...
Barbara Wang is an expert in Cross-cultural Leadership and Management, Chinese Leadership & Executive Coaching. She has conducted training and coaching bilingually in English and Chinese for both ...
ESADE Business School, since its inception in 1958, is one of the world's most prestigious business schools, and has become a frame of reference in the world of executive training. With campuses in ...
Since Cranfield University’s inception in 1946, Cranfield has been committed to unlocking the potential of people and organisations by working with business leaders and their management teams to ...
Rotman School of Management is Canada’s leading business school and has Canada’s largest group of management faculty. It is home to some of the most innovative research institutes in the world As part ...
Dr Jim Pulcrano is an independent consultant, educator and business coach specializing in entrepreneurship and start-ups. He is a core faculty member on IMD’s EMBA team. He has made a major ...