The World Health Organization (WHO) has taken a major step in the fight against antibiotic resistance, better known as antimicrobial resistance (AMR), with the publication of its first guide dedicated ...
While the topic of human urine may seem uncomfortable to some, recent research suggests that this bodily waste could be an ideal fertilizer for agriculture. Urine is an abundant, inexpensive and ...
Dairy consumption has been an integral part of the human diet for centuries, promoted for its purported nutritional benefits, such as its high calcium and protein content. However, in recent decades, ...
Choosing the right cereals for kids is a crucial decision to ensure their health and development. Many parents face the challenge of finding options that are not only delicious and appealing to little ...
According to nutritionist Marta Marcé, cruciferous vegetables, a group of commonly known vegetables, have earned the title of “green gold” for their ability to help regulate hormones during this vital ...
According to the American Heart Association, one in three adults suffers from high blood pressure (hypertension). That means that at least a third of the population is at risk of heart problems.
In this video you will learn how to plan and grow vegetable gardens in small spaces such as balconies, patios, terraces in 6 steps. Today I can finally share with you the promised video on how to grow ...
El aceite de coco se ha convertido en un producto versátil tanto en la cocina como en el cuidado personal. Su popularidad ha ...
Este último mes, han ocurrido importantes avances y eventos en el ámbito del medio ambiente. A continuación, las diez ...
A pesar de sus múltiples beneficios, el impacto ambiental del plástico ha generado preocupaciones cada vez mayores ...
Toma conciencia sobre tu salud, haz deporte, bebe agua o jugos en lugar de gaseosas azucaradas. La diabetes es una enfermedad ...
La nevera está hecha con arcilla y funciona mediante el principio de evaporación; el agua absorbe el calor de dentro reduciendo la temperatura.