Anniversary song and “highlights” left out civilian victims, pretending attack was ‎legitimate military battle ...
Hamas' video also features an unidentified would-be suicide bomber who threatens a wave of suicide bombing attacks, or as he ...
Since Hamas' attack and launch of its terror war against Israel, Palestinian Media Watch has exposed the PA and Fatah's ...
A recent column in the official PA daily criticized Hamas for not releasing all Israeli hostages to prevent further ...
In an open expression of support for Palestinian terrorists, a senior PA official urged the PA Security Forces to end ...
Anyone questioning the need for Israel's continued fighting in the Gaza Strip should watch this video.
Abbas’ open support for Hamas exemplifies advisor’s teachings that terror ‎organizations Hamas and Islamic Jihad are ...
Released terrorist and Fatah Spokesman Abd Al-Fattah Doleh: "The history of the Palestinian struggle has lasted 100 years, together with the British occupation, and 76 years against this criminal ...
Fatah official and An-Najah National University political science lecturer Raed Debiy: "We once again remind that [UN] Resolutions 242 and 338 (see note below -Ed.) and the establishment of a ...