Thanks to Moscow's support, Moscow exporters have been able to take part in 11 international exhibitions in friendly ...
Nagatinskaya district court of Moscow has chosen a measure of restraint for a swimming coach of a children's recreation ...
The Russian army of the Center group of troops has taken control of the village of Ukrainsk in the Donetsk People's Republic ...
There are many myths about dog training that can confuse the novice dog breeder. Based on unverified information, owners make ...
The American company Google has restricted the creation of new accounts for Russians, but SMS-confirmation of authorization ...
How to help the body in the fall, what risks it may face during this period, how to protect against diseases, on September 26 ...
On Thursday, September 26, the Izvestia Media Center is hosting a round table discussion of the Expert Institute for Social Research (EISR) on the topic "Development and implementation of the course ...
The course "Fundamentals of Russian Statehood" is harmoniously integrated into the programs of the country's universities.
Российские средства противовоздушной обороны уничтожили еще два украинских беспилотных летательных аппарата (БПЛА) над ...
Авторское право на систему визуализации содержимого портала, а также на исходные данные, включая тексты, фотографии, ...
Министерство обороны России 27 сентября сообщило о новых подвигах военнослужащих Вооруженных сил (ВС) РФ, которые рискуют ...
За январь–июнь 2024-го расходы федеральной казны на обслуживание госдолга составили 1,1 трлн рублей — это чуть меньше ...