It’s been nearly 20 years since Apple took podcasts mainstream, but the tech giant seems to be losing its grip on audio audiences: A recent study out this ...
The evolution of the podcast industry is nothing short of remarkable. Once a niche hobby, podcasting has become a mainstay format in the media landscape, ...
The advertising landscape is fracturing due to third-party signal loss, causing targeting scarcity for publishers and advertisers. Half of users have ...
The journey toward third-party cookie deprecation has been long and challenging, punctuated by Google’s recent shift to a consumer-led cookie opt-out ...
Not that long ago, using the social web as a news distribution platform was a relatively straightforward process: all you had to do was grab the headline ...
News publishers are an invaluable part of our society, providing essential information and fostering public discourse. But as we’ve seen so far in 2024, ...
It's been a rough year for publishers and broadcasters in Canada. In the wake of Meta's news ban, Canadian news publishers and broadcasters have faced ...
Capitol Forum - Antitrust Trial of the Century ConferenceRemarks given at the The National Press Club in Washington D.C.
September 9, 2024 marks the start of the antitrust trial United States v. Google. This follows closely on the heels of the landmark antitrust case in ...