Women like Mae Capone and Victoria DiGiorgio Gotti stood behind their gangster husbands for better or for worse.
The research team uncovered the treasure while examining a field in Årdal, Norway ahead of the construction of a new road.
Archaeologists excavating caves in Malaysia's Nenggiri Valley unearthed 16 Neolithic burials and more than 71,000 prehistoric ...
To this day, the story of the Manson Family members is a haunting tale of corruption, power, and how one man with enough influence convinced his followers to commit truly reprehensible acts. Most ...
Jake was a black Labrador retriever who was adopted at 10 months old by his owner and handler, Mary Flood. Though he was initially found abandoned on the streets with a dislocated hip and a broken leg ...
Riley was one of some 300 dogs deployed to search for survivors at Ground Zero in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Despite only turning up the bodies of victims, Riley was steadfast in his ...
Sage was always going to be a hero. She became a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) rescue dog when she was 18 months old, and like Bretagne, 9/11 was her first real assignment. Unlike ...
Of all the 9/11 messages, Betty Ong’s is among the most harrowing. On September 11, 2001, Ong was a flight attendant on American Airlines Flight 11. And she used her final moments to alert the world ...
About 10 minutes after Flight 11 hit the North Tower, slicing between floors 93 and 99, Melissa Harrington-Hughes started making phone calls. Harrington-Hughes, a 31-year-old international trade ...
A team of archaeologists excavating the site of a sunken shipwreck recently announced the discovery of a remarkable 3,600-year-old Minoan dagger with silver rivets. The dagger was uncovered amid ...
After seeing a post on social media, 68-year-old retiree John Ralph decided to sign up for a dig at a Pictish site in Burghead, Scotland. Over the course of the excavation, Ralph picked up a number of ...
From painful goodbyes to loved ones to panicked alerts to first responders, these messages left by 9/11 victims capture the true horror of the day. September 11, 2001 started out as a normal day.