Avoid letting confusion over past events cause problems in a current relationship. A degree of jealousy is in the air but dwelling on something that happened a long time ago is not helping now ...
A housemate or workmate seems always to be talking about health issues. You can tell they’re worried about something and you want to help them feel better. Even if it’s about someone you don ...
A housemate or workmate seems always to be talking about health issues. You can tell they're worried about something and you want to help them feel better. Even if it's about someone you don't ...
Speaking and acting without considering the consequences could lead to a big misunderstanding. Some lessons can only be learned through first hand experience. Today you might want to remind ...
Avoid the temptation of getting into unnecessary disagreements just because things aren’t turning out as you had expected. Working with someone who keeps trying to pass unwanted tasks onto you ...
When it comes to a situation concerning your household you will be able to express yourself in a more convincing manner. This is particularly helpful if you’ve been struggling to reach a mutual ...
Refuse to take any part in harmful gossip and keep your distance from people who tend to bring out the worst in you. While conflicts within the household may create an atmosphere of uncertainty ...
You’re confused about a situation no one wants to talk about. This makes it difficult for you to make an important choice. Before taking action, double-check facts. If you are single, play hard ...