and 152 group built-in arbitrary waveforms. -... [See More] User Interface: Front Panel Generator Type: Pulse; Sweep; sine, square, pulse, ramp, noise, and harmonic Plus total 150 built-in waveforms, ...
Now to my actual question: I want to sweep through the height (or amplitude) of the pulse. I would like to automatically run ... 0.8 to 1.2. Run a transient simulation and you will see 3 waveforms.
and 152 group built-in arbitrary waveforms. -... [See More] Display: Digital Generator Type: Pulse; Sweep; sine, square, pulse, ramp, noise, and harmonic Plus total 150 built-in waveforms, and ...
Over 3,000 miles into its journey, the wave of pressure grew too quiet for human ears to hear, but it continued to sweep onward, reverberating for ... By 8 hours, the pulse reached Mauritius in the ...
Again, in the datasheet the pulse duration is given as "from 0.9 ms to 2.1 ms" and T_PWM = 20 ms (or 50 Hz). So what is the range of duty cycle? It is from 4.5% to 10.5%. (This seems too low.) Now we ...
Optical Domain,Hybrid System,Kinetic Parameters,Light Wave,Linear Frequency Modulation,Optical Amplifier,Optical Pulse,Probe Pulse,Pulse Frequency,Pump Pulse,Sensory ...
The region is unusually prone to natural disasters—and unusually unprepared for them. A heat wave struck Southern California earlier this month. Soon after, large swaths of the region began to burn.
Spatial Resolution,Matched Filter,Optical Domain,Short-time Fourier Transform,Acoustic Sensors,Digital Frequency,Distributed Acoustic Sensing,Fiber Laser,Intensity Traces,Linear Frequency ...
Linear wave shaping: diode waveshaping techniques ... Pulse transformers, pulse transmission. Pulse generation: monostable, bistable, and stable multivibrators, Timing circuits. Simple voltage sweeps, ...
The 1964-1965 Fair came at a tumultuous time — mere months after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, amid a ...