Happy New Year! Come January, exercise is a top priority for many. But making large, sweeping goals often leaves people overwhelmed and falling off the bandwagon after a few weeks. That's why for this ...
You may have heard the term 'friluftsliv', which means 'open-air living' – the Scandinavian concept of embracing nature for ...
Walking is a simple yet powerful form of exercise that offers many mental health benefits if you do so regularly, like ...
We all know the benefits of exercise are many and varied. It’s just that getting started can be easier said than done - ...
Urban poling (aka Nordic walking) is a full-body workout that supercharges your regular walk by adding specially designed ...
Nordic walking is a popular exercise trend across the UK, known for its ability to burn more calories and engage the whole ...
Moreover, only the Nordic walking group reduced their total body fat, by 8%, android fat – fat stored around the abdominal ...
Nordic walking – walking with poles – can reduce waist circumference by twice as much compared to conventional walking and ...
The "silly little walk" cardio trend is making waves on TikTok for good reason. Science shares the benefits of brisk outdoor walks.
Nordic walking is rapidly growing in popularity, with fitness enthusiasts and experts alike praising the full-body workout ...
Nordic walking is a simple exercise that's proven to be more effective than normal walking when it comes to burning calories.
From slouching to over-striding, certain walking habits can completely derail your progress. Experts call out these bad habits.