Overwhelmed by queries, physicians are turning to artificial intelligence to correspond with patients. Many have no clue that ...
Sales took off for an Ohio State University spinoff's AI software for planning heart surgery, once Medicare agreed to pay for ...
A race-neutral algorithm for lung function was recommended last year. Adopting it comes with thorny consequences.
The conversation about bringing manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. from Asia often skips over an important question.
With the rise of interest around AI since the release of large language models (LLMs), there is pressure on MedTech executives to get ahead of industry peers regarding AI, not only within devices but ...
Physicians at St. Mary's Hospital use Suki, an AI app, to take notes for electronic health records, alleviating stress and ...
Ragon believes he can succeed where major governments have failed: By bringing together top doctors, scientists and engineers ...
A new Utah tech company promises its artificial intelligence can help struggling students, but mental health professionals ...
The university, best known for its medical school, spent a decade developing its entrepreneurial ecosystem. Now, its ...
InnoTrek 2024 offers a ten-day immersive experience across multiple US cities ( New York, New Jersey, Chicago and San ...
Urology Week 2024, which closes out Urology Awareness Month, is a good time to highlight the innovations in this space.
Artificial Intelligence (AI), like any other technology, is not inherently good or bad – it is merely a tool people can use ...