Saga z izbiro slovenskega kandidata oziroma kandidatke za položaj v Evropski komisiji je doživela nov preobrat.
V zadnjem tednu je Marta Kos postala politično najbolj zaželena ženska v Sloveniji. Premier Robert Golob je ponovno odkril ...
By Valentina Dimitrievska in Skopje Slovenia's political impasse has caused the European Commission to delay the appointment ...
The head of the Slovene EPP delegation said choice of Marta Kos was 'unacceptable' due to secret police links, but Kos has rebutted the charges in a statement to Euronews.
Former diplomat Marta Kos has been named Slovenia’s new European Commissioner nominee after Ursula von der Leyen lobbied the ...
Marta Kos, ki je po izstopu iz predsedniške kampanje in očitnem ... Vsa preigravanja okrog sestave nove komisije namreč v Berlaymontu skrivajo kot kača noge in ne komentirajo ničesar. Tudi Veselovega ...
Slovenian media speculated the government might now propose Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon or former ambassador Marta Kos for a commission posting in Brussels.
BRUSSELS — Tomaž Vesel, Slovenia’s pick to be its European commissioner, withdrew his candidacy Friday in the wake of pressure from Ursula von der Leyen to provide female nominees. European Commission ...
Almost two years in office, the far-right Brothers of Italy party met on Wednesday for a key council to review the government’s progress and the agenda for the next few months, including the ...
The EU’s outgoing digital and competition supremo regretted the outcome of landmark tax state aid cases and expressed optimism for the future of European AI in an exclusive sit down with Radio ...