Secularism is a worldview like any religion, a reader opines; others talk about DART and water quality in letters published ...
Many Wisconsinites oppose Line 5 and fighting to protect future generations and tribal sovereignty. Say no to dangerous ...
As a product of public education myself, I chose a degree in education... Yet the lack of accountability and support made the ...
Readers offer pros and cons on Amendment 4, the abortion rights amendment that will be on the November ballot.
It's better to pay the cost of life imprisonment for all killers than to execute an innocent person, says a reader.
A 1970 graduate of UC Berkeley whose ceremony was canceled amid anti-Vietnam War protests expresses disgust over campus ...
EDITOR: I’m writing in regard to Measure J. I do not eat meat. My diet is primarily plant-based. And that’s my choice. I’ve ...
The lifelong pen pals have written letters and made phone calls for over six decades, but never once saw each other in person ...
Each state's Electoral College votes should be divided proportionally, a reader writes, along with letters on immigration ...
Thirty tractor-trailer loads of water were handed out to anyone in need within the community. This successful operation was ...
More: Donald Trump had a very low bar for this debate. He was still a disaster. As I see it, one must listen and watch ...
NCR readers respond to coverage and commentary on abortion policy, Francis' advice to U.S voters, and "finding God." ...