How much do we appreciate to be told we are loved? When another expresses those three succinct words "I Love You", it is a confirmation of what we all know is our inside truth . . . and that is that .
The Earl or Count St Germain was supposedly born in 1710 and possibly died in 1784. However legend has it that both these dates are incorrect and no one really knows for sure. The chronicle of Count ...
You can read and study with a great many teachers and philosophers, from Zarathustra to Buddha, Muhammad and Jesus, right down into the current era and Serge Benhayon, however you will not know the ...
Sacred Esoteric Healing is a non-intrusive, non-invasive technique that supports and allows the client to deeply rest with themselves.
We are told we need to listen to the body, but why is that? Why listen to the body when your head is full of thoughts and chatter – surely the mind is the area we need to concentrate on hearing? But ...
The human body can survive 3 weeks without food, 3 days without water, but only 3 minutes without air – unless you are one of those freaky free divers, which I’m assuming you are not. Without air the ...
As men we would save a lot of time and complication if, straight from the outset, we admitted just how tender and sensitive we are. To see the true nature of a man one only needs to look at a young ...
The Free Meditation Library offers a range of supportive gentle breath meditations. These instructional meditations were recorded with a live audience of 150+ participants and are a sample of the many ...
Sacred Esoteric Healing is a technique that entails a healing science and is ageless in its teaching. The modality encompasses the ancient knowledge and wisdom of energetic healing and the ‘Science of ...
How do we practically live Energetic Integrity and Energetic Responsibility? This is a great question that any person coming to the profound understanding that everything in life is about energy would ...
The Gentle Breath Meditation® is the first meditation out of many that I have tried, that doesn't feel like a chore to do, and doesn't take me away from myself in the way that visualization ...
These honey popcorn treats are great as a children’s party food. Sweetened with honey they satisfy any sweet tooth and are a good alternative to sugar. These colourful crispy corn ribs are a welcome ...