Natural rights restrict government from removing your ability to do certain things. These are negative rights of the “thou shalt not” variety, commanding government to not infringe on your right to ...
Power is a property. The vote is a power more than a tangible thing. Each vote makes an outcome more likely, and that power is entrusted in the voter. But nothing guarantees he will not sell it, and ...
Senses are a different kind of effect: like a conclusion, an effect in the mind related to a cause in the world beyond.
Consider that humans live in a world of pretense, defined by categories that we then use to rationalize what we want as part ...
After a decade or two of interacting with this world, most people get bitter and cynical. They start to see other people as threats and withdraw from any sense of comradeship. Their dreams become ...
Generally, human societies die this way: as soon as people no longer interact directly with nature, they start to blame each other, lose a sense of purpose, and start rationalizing what they want as ...
Although the official propaganda tells us that diversity is a positive and our future as one big ethnically-mixed group will be a new era of peace and prosperity, reality tells us a different story: ...