As part of Rensselaer’s Bicentennial Celebration, a two-day carnival was held on Anderson Field, featuring showcases, games, and a Ferris Wheel.
In the first meeting of the semester, Graduate Senator Ria Massoni ’25G brought forward a motion on behalf of the Student Life Committee to reintroduce the Title IX and Bystander Intervention Training ...
The risks of being too trusting are real and harmful. Being too selfless can lead to taking on too many responsibilities and being unfairly burdened. That being said, always living life as a ...
The Executive Board kicked off their meeting last Wednesday by approving an additional subsidy totaling $90,855 for outdoor lighting. The motion allocated $57,750 for lighting the courtyard trees, and ...
RPI’s Engineers commanded both sides of the field in their game against the University of Mount Saint Vincent Dolphins on Sunday September 1, scoring three goals off sixteen shots while giving up none ...
Associate News Editor Virginia Hickox [email protected] Associate News Editor Arleen Thukral [email protected] Associate Features Editor Brooke O'Connell [email protected] Associate Copy Editor ...