The term economic environment refers to all the external economic factors that influence buying habits of consumers and businesses and therefore affect the performance of a company. These factors are ...
Contrary to popular belief, intelligent buildings equipped with a building automation system are within any company’s reach. This is all the more true when you consider there are several programs that ...
In honour of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, we celebrate all Indigenous peoples, past, present and emerging for their valuable contributions to the Canadian economy. The Indigenous ...
Montreal, September 11, 2024 – In its new study, The AI Imperative for Canada’s Entrepreneurs, BDC, Canada’s bank for entrepreneurs, unveils a surprising trend among Canadian small business owners: 27 ...
While battery-powered equipment has long been used in warehouses, distribution centres and manufacturing facilities, its popularity has soared in recent years thanks to advances in electric vehicle ...
Les équipements alimentés par des batteries sont utilisés depuis longtemps dans les entrepôts, les centres de distribution et les installations manufacturières, mais leur popularité a grimpé en flèche ...
Les ventes et le marketing sont des domaines idéaux pour tirer parti des outils d’intelligence artificielle (IA). Dans les ventes, il y a beaucoup de données, ce qui exige des stratégies ...
Sales and marketing are ideal areas for leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) tools. In sales, there is lots of data. It demands personalized strategies. AI excels at data analysis and customer ...
Montréal, le 26 septembre 2024 – C’est avec fierté que BDC, la banque des du Canada, célèbre son 80 e anniversaire, marquant ainsi huit décennies de soutien indéfectible aux ...
About 10 years ago, as the chief operating officer of a large ad agency, Erin Kelly could see the writing on the wall: Companies would need to find a better way than social media clicks to optimize ...