In 1994, after their “inevitable” 25-year war for ‘Brits Out’, the IRA decided that the Brits could stay after all and that ...
As with immigration, the economy will provide much for Ireland’s next government to think about. But perhaps Ireland’s ...
In an eagerly anticipated speech to party activists in west Belfast, Mr Adams said the two Sinn Fein leaders had told the IRA in talks a decommissioning move would resolve the crisis facing the ...
The parallels with the transformation of Sinn Féin and the IRA in Northern Ireland seventy years later are striking. These two transformations highlight that the boundaries between moderate and ...
Leo Varadkar has said Sinn Féin's motion of no confidence was a political stunt A vote of no confidence in the Irish justice minister has heard Sinn Féin's links to the IRA make them unfit for ...
MICHEAL Martin has ruled out a post-election coalition with Sinn Fein as he suggested many voters would like to see the ...
My stomach turns too much as I see him rewarding Sinn Fein/IRA,' he said. 'Terrorists the world over can take comfort from what he has done today.' Shadow Commons leader Eric Forth asked if the ...
The event was organised as an alternative to a commemoration night in the Burrendale Hotel in Newcastle organised by Sinn Fein for IRA 'adjutant' Paul Magorrian of the South Down Brigade of the IRA.
Neither republicans nor loyalists defended their communities, despite their claims. It was those in Northern Ireland who kept ...
Modern-day Sinn Féin's roots lie in the 1969 split and it was the political wing of the Provisional IRA through the prolonged period of violence in Northern Ireland known as the Troubles.
The idea of a first minister who supports closer ties to the Republic of Ireland — let alone one from Sinn Fein, a party with historic ties to the Irish Republican Army — was once unthinkable.