Former North Antrim DUP MP Ian Paisley received more than £14,000 for paid trips to Morrocco and the Maldives and Grand Prix ...
Sinn Fein, once the political arm of the IRA, and the party that has historically called for uniting the North with the Republic of Ireland, gained 39 seats, for a total of 144 council members, up ...
In 1994, after their “inevitable” 25-year war for ‘Brits Out’, the IRA decided that the Brits could stay after all and that ...
THERE has been a significant increase in recent times in far right racist, Islamophobic and hate attacks on social media. The ...
Sinn Féin has pledged to bring childcare costs down to €10-a-day from next year but has stopped short of promising to bring in free childcare by the end of the next Government’s term.
Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald. Photo: Sam Boal /Collins Sinn Féin literature at the Houses of the Oireachtas printing facility Taxpayers are being asked to foot an estimated €25,000 bill ...
Sinn Féin's finance spokesperson Pearse Doherty has said the Government has given a massive tax break to people with gold plated pensions. He told the Dáil that Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael want ...
The Democratic Unionist Party leader Gavin Robinson says there is no evidence of a significant shift towards Irish unity.
While she did not explicitly state who she is backing in November’s election, Mary Lou McDonald told the Irish Mirror that ...
Almost two months since the UK General Election and our MPs have begun to declare their financial interests outside of their ...