A FAKE AD has been shared on social media which purports to show Sinn Féin selling “burkas” featuring its logo via the party’s online shop. The burka, also spelled burqa, is the name given ...
Sinn Fein MPs will never sit in the British Parliament, Gerry Adams vowed as they moved into Commons offices for the first time today. Party policy was also changed to allow MPs to sit in the ...
Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald. Photo: Sam Boal /Collins Sinn Féin literature at the Houses of the Oireachtas printing facility Taxpayers are being asked to foot an estimated €25,000 bill ...
Sinn Fein vice-president Michelle O'Neill called for the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) to end its boycott of power sharing at Stormont. The DUP has 122 seats, with the centre-ground Alliance ...
Sinn Féin's finance spokesperson Pearse Doherty ... That lower court's ruling overturned the commission’s 2016 original finding that Apple had underpaid taxes totalling €13.1bn due to Ireland ...
This shift has raised serious concerns about the party's commitment to LGBTQ+ rights, with many questioning whether Sinn Féin is now prioritising political expediency over its long-held principles.
The Construction Industry Federation (CIF) and Sinn Féin wouldn’t be natural bedfellows. One represents the construction industry, the other has, at various times, castigated the Government for ...
The Sinn Féin plan's defining characteristic is that it proposes to significantly increase State spending to tackle the housing crisis. Two weeks ahead of the Dáil's return and months or maybe ...
Fine Gael has jumped four points to 27 per cent in the latest Irish Times/Ipsos B&A poll, while support for Sinn Féin dropped three points to reach 20 per cent. The continued decline in support ...
Speaking about the abolition of stamp duty for first-time buyers, he said Sinn Fein is offering a maximum of €4,500 in support compared to €30,000 that comes with the first-time buyers grant. “ ...
Sinn Féin has pledged to bring childcare costs down to €10-a-day from next year but has stopped short of promising to bring in free childcare by the end of the next Government’s term.