Sinn Féin was the runaway success, completing a historic hat-trick for Irish nationalism. For the first time it is now Northern Ireland's largest party at Westminster, at Stormont and at local ...
It protects you from dust and rain, and over the course of a long day, a baseball hat also soaks up sweat and sunscreen (you are wearing sunscreen, right?). Though a broken and beaten-up cap can ...
Sinn Fein MPs will never sit in the British Parliament, Gerry Adams vowed as they moved into Commons offices for the first time today. Party policy was also changed to allow MPs to sit in the ...
Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald. Photo: Sam Boal /Collins Sinn Féin literature at the Houses of the Oireachtas printing facility Taxpayers are being asked to foot an estimated €25,000 bill ...
Sinn Féin's finance spokesperson Pearse Doherty has said the Government has given a massive tax break to people with gold plated pensions. He told the Dáil that Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael want ...
Sinn Féin has pledged to bring childcare costs down to €10-a-day from next year but has stopped short of promising to bring in free childcare by the end of the next Government’s term.
For everyone who needs it. SINN FÉIN HAS today pledged to drastically reduce the cost of childcare if in government to €200 a month per child. The party said delivering its total childcare plan ...
The Sinn Féin plan's defining characteristic is that it proposes to significantly increase State spending to tackle the housing crisis. Two weeks ahead of the Dáil's return and months or maybe ...